About this project

During our PhD thesis, we have found that there is a lack of Java libraries that implement search algorithms with an extensible, flexible and simple to use model. Moreover, most of the libraries rely on graph structures or recursive implementations which do not offer fine-grained control over the algorithm. This is why we decided to make our little contribution in this field. Although Hipster is far from being perfect, we hope you find it useful.

Hipster was originally created and is currently maintained by:

The scientific supervisors of this project are listed below:


The project was also accepted in the 9th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), 2014. If you use this library in your research projects, we encourage you to please cite our work.

Rodriguez-Mier, P., Gonzalez-Sieira, A., Mucientes, M., Lama, M. & Bugarin, A. (2014). Hipster: An Open Source Java Library for Heuristic Search. 9th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI).

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